Drafts and stuff

Drafts and meanderings of my mind.

Friday, February 17, 2006



2.16.6 after lit… circa 3:25pm

Sometimes in life you get pulled into places you’d never expect. You either sink or swim, but you almost always survive

I don’t recall how it all started perhaps the images are stored in the words of a blue journal now packed away, nestled in some closet at my mothers place. Perhaps.

I was ready to leave. The girl had cheated on me. Not once, not twice but multiple times in the weeks between the forgiveness I’d give. I loved her and I didn’t know that I could love someone else as much. Perhaps you’d be incredulous to know that I forgave her every other week for eight or nine months. I don’t care. I forgave her because I cared for her, I forgave her because I believe in redemption and sacrifice. But that’s was months before I realized my soul was restless and done here, the first place I lived. I, the individual with a fate separate from any other. I was leaving comfort and familiarity, but I was leaving.

“I’m going to Ireland” I’d respond cheerfully. “To work for Apple as a computer consultant in Cork.” That sounds good. “Computer Consultant in Cork.” I liked it. It sounds prestigious, sounds fantastic


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