Myths and Vampires
Tell me your myth. I used to ask people that I had just met “tell me your story.” It was always interesting to see how they responded to such an open question, but I wonder how they would respond to this one. “Tell me your myth.” I don’t expect they’d really understand, instead they’d probably go off into some fantasy world they made up on the spot, or simply refuse to tell me their “myth.” And all I’m really asking is “tell me your story”, with the acknowledgement that our stories aren’t always true. They tend to center upon us, heroizing those we like and demonizing those we disagree with.
She says she doesn’t love me anymore, and never really did. She was taking pity on me, she “felt sorry for me”.
We wake before dawn, beating even the newspapers to the front steps. Before I realized I was out of my bed, I had already showered, and was stepping out into the cold Indiana Air. I like
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