Drafts and stuff

Drafts and meanderings of my mind.

Wednesday, January 31, 2007


If I was to stand
would your tears overwhelm me?
would my heart sink,
recalling all the times
failure is what I offered?
would your pride swolen heart
cause mine to explode?
would your joy
shine harshly upon my shortcomings?
if I was to stand
If I was to stand and proclaim Your name.

if I was to stand
would terrors grasp
the driest parts of my throat
tearing and ripping into my voice?
would i be able to speak?
speak more than the volumes
that humiliation whispers
in every heart.
If I was to stand
If I was to stand and proclaim my Lord.

If I was to stand
would I see?
would I see the skeleton
holding me high was yours?
That I was merely nothing,
but a pane of glass.
covered in my own mud.
my own shame.
if I was to be held by you and let you speak

if I was to be held by you
would the world realise
that I am no saint
that only one is holy
and it sure as truth was not me
would the world see
the very things their hearts
the very things their hearts
can not deny
if I was to be held by you, would you shine?

if I was to be held by your
loving eyes,
justice burning my soul,
would I cower or be resigned
would Mom rescue me?
would gentile
arms turn judgement
to rejoicing?
if I was to be held by your mother, could you refuse?


At 2:53 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Good good good......


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